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Beechmont Racquet & Fitness Indoor Triathlon

February 23 @ 6:20 am - 9:30 am

This is an Indoor Triathlon with Swim-Bike-Run for a total 60-minute workout. The Indoor Triathlon is perfect for someone who is doing a triathlon for the first time or the experienced triathlete. Participants will start with the Swim segment, then move to the stationary bike and finish the triathlon on a run on a treadmill.

Indoor Triathlon

  • Swim 10 minutes in a lap pool
  • Bike 30 minutes on a stationary bike
  • Run 20 minutes on a treadmill

The combined time for the Swim, Bike and Run is 60 minutes, plus two transitions. There will be up to 6 participants in each Heat. All participants in each heat will start and finish at the same time, and then progress to the next segment.

To participant in this indoor triathlon you must be at least 15 years old on the date of the event.


February 23
6:20 am - 9:30 am


Beechmont Racquet & Fitness
435 Ohio Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45255
+ Google Map