Monday September 12, 2011
Courtyard Marriott, Florence KY
Present: Gina Meyers, Terry Elliott, Chris Higginbotham, Todd Hofacre, Marty Hovey, Dave Reid
Absent: Laura Wagner, Tom Glasscock, Ryan Woolley -work
Meeting came to order at 6:35 PM.
Meeting Minutes: September Meeting minutes were approved.
Old Business: Nothing new to report.
Financial Report: Ryan let Gina know that we have over $17,400 currently in the club’s checking account. No checks outstanding.
Membership: Todd reported that there were 130 members paid for 2011. There are 42 new members on hand for 2011. 3 more joined I the last month. Gina went over the surveys that Todd handed out at the previous meeting.
Newsletter: Articles for next newsletter are due October 17. Todd is hoping to have the Fall newsletter to members by the 2nd or 3rd week of November. Gina asked about adding a running log to the newsletter.
Website: Marty was on hand to discuss the website. Discussed adding a membership page to the website.
Holiday in Lights Run: The Williams YMCA was closed at the end of August so a new location is needed for the Holiday on Lights Run. It needs to have showers and a changing area. Dates to host are December 12 and December 13. Also, a new course needs to be figured out.
Run Like Hell 5k: Gina talked with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation about forming a team to raise money for cystic fibrosis for this race.
RCGC Anniversary Race: Since there is no race in Cincinnati on December 3, 2011. Todd is looking at that date to have the race. He will see if a local bar is willing to host it.
Turkey Burner 5 Mile: Gina will talk with Dave Whitehouse about doing a low key race on November 26, 2011 at England-Idlewild Park in Burlington KY.
Winter Wonderland 5 Mile: January Race that needs a race director and a location. Looking at the last weekend in January.
Valentine Day Race: NKU has set the date of February 12, 2012. Planning will not begin until December.
Leap Day Race: Leap Day is next year so need to bring out the Leap Day Race. For 2012, looking at doing it as a low key club race.
Flying Pig Marathon : Tabled for next meeting.
Additonal Events:
Perfetti Van Melle Health Fair: Todd received last second notice to attend the health fair on October 11, 2011 from 1:00-3:00 PM. Todd and Gina will split hours to be there.
Lerner, Sampson & Rothfuss(LSR) Health and Wellness Fair - 10/21/11 – Todd and Gina will split shift to be at LSR Health and Wellness Fair on Friday October 21, 2011 from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Race Committees: The club is looking to form a race committee to plan the 2012 racing season. So far two people have shown interest. Todd is looking to schedule a meeting on October 24, 2011 to go over details.
Group Runs: Gina is looking to revive the club group runs. She started one from the Tri-State Running Company in Edgewood on Thursdays at 6:30 PM. She also started one from Miami-Whitewater Forest every other Sunday beginning October 2 at 8:30 AM. Laura was absent but gave an update that she had 4 people attend the last group run.
Programs/Seminars: The board is looking for someone or knows somebody that can do a Program or Seminar on running.
Merchandising: Nothing to report
Miscellaneous: Terry let the board know that the Courtyard Marriott in Florence KY where the board currently has its meeting may be sold in the coming weeks. It may affect where we do our meetings.
Next Board Meeting: Next board meeting is scheduled for Monday November 14, 2011 at the 6:30 PM at the Courtyard Mariott in Florence KY.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Todd Hofacre, Secretary,
Runners’ Club of Greater Cincinnati