October 4, 2007
(at Graeter's, 332 Ludlow Ave., Clifton)
Members Present: Tom Glasscock, Todd Hofacre, Ed Hunter, Seth Warncke (new Board member); Jeff Hummel and Peter Wayte absent due to work commitments.
Membership: Todd will talk with Rob Moyer (whom many Board members met at the August 26 picnic) to see if he would be willing to take over managing the Membership Database.
Newsletter: Todd expects the next issue to come out this month. Seth offered to assist Todd in compiling an upcoming issue of the newsletter.
Website: Our domain name "" recently expired, and Todd renewed it for the coming year. The Club currently has one or two other domain names. Todd will ask Marty if he has any website statistics regarding domain name usage.
Social Events: Todd started a weekly running group in Clifton every Thursday in early September. After Thanksgiving, they may begin a Saturday morning long running group to get ready for the 2008 Flying Pig Marathon.
Scholarships: Mike Smith shared scholarship criteria developed by the Club several years ago with the Kicks-for-Kids Foundation. K4K agreed with most of the criteria but decided against our suggestion to ask candidates to write a brief essay describing a significant personal challenge that they had overcome. At the suggestion of Mike Smith, the club will check with the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation if they would be willing to identify 3 male and 3 female candidates from whom K4K and the Club would select one male and one female winner. Ed will call the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation to see if they would be willing to work with us on this matter.
Holiday in Lights Run: Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 6:30 p.m., starting at the Williams YMCA. All arrangements have been finalized. Post-run refreshments will be at O'Bryons Irish Pub, 1998 Madison Rd., O'Bryonville.
Christmas Party: The Board selected Saturday, January 5, 2008, as the tentative date for the party. Todd will ask Linda Jeanmougin to reserve the party room at the Central Park condo complex, the site for last year's party.
2008 Flying Pig Marathon and RRCA Convention: Several members of RCGC (Todd, Ed, Julia, and Lonnie Smith) will meet with Iris Bush (Executive Director of the Flying Pig Marathon) and Jean Knaack (RRCA) on Thursday, October 11 (time to be determined) to discuss how the Club could assist with the 2008 RRCA convention. The convention will be held in Cincinnati the weekend of the marathon.
Upcoming Races:
(1). English-Idlewild Park 5K, Burlington KY, November 3, 2007: Boone County Parks Department needs the Club to create and measure the course soon. The Club will do timing and man the finish line.
(2). Thanksgiving Day 10K, downtown, November 22, 2007: Julie Isphording (race director) does not need the Club to do clean-up after the race, as we have done previously. Todd suggested that the Club might be involved by providing bag checks for runners, unless there is a better idea.
(3). Valentines Day Race, 2 miles, NKU, February 10, 2008: Steve Kruse (NKU) would like some Club members to assist him with the race. Todd will ask Nick Kleiner if he would be willing to work with Steve on this race.
(4). Leap Day Race 5K, proposed for Friday night, February 29, 2008: We will consider Mt. Airy Forest as a possible low-cost location with little or no need for police protection. Todd will investigate whether we could reserve a shelter with indoor lights. Sunset on February 29 is expected to be around 6:30 p.m., which would be the start time of the race.
(5). Ground Hog Day 5K, proposed for February 2, 2008. We will investigate the possibility of holding a race using Don Connolly's Spring Grove Avenue course starting and ending at the Museum Center.
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, November 1, 7:30 p.m., tentatively at the Clifton Recreation Center, Clifton and McAlpin Avenues (site of the old Clifton Track Club meetings). Todd will try to reserve a room there.
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Hunter, Secretary