Monday September 12, 2011
Courtyard Marriott, Florence KY
Present: Gina Meyers, Terry Elliott, Chris Higginbotham, Ryan Woolley, Todd Hofacre
Absent: Laura Wagner, Tom Glasscock, Dave Reid -work
Meeting came to order at 6:45 PM. Terry Elliott resigned as President and Vice President Gina Meyers accepted the role as President.
Meeting Minutes: July Meeting minutes were approved.
Old Business: Nothing new to report.
Financial Report: Ryan said that we had over 18,000 currently in the club’s checking account. 1 check outstanding. The club made about $800 on the Summer Trail Run.
Membership: Todd reported that there were 125 members paid for 2011. He did not have the new members on hand for 2011. Todd is working on rolling out a membership referral program. Todd handed out the surveys that he received to board members so they can be discussed at the next meeting.
Newsletter: Summer newsletter went out in the third or fourth week of August. Articles for next newsletter are due October 10.
Website: Nothing new to report on the website. Gina invited Marty to the meeting to discuss the website. He was unable to attend.
Run@Work Day – September 16 – Todd let members know about the RRCA Run@Work Day on Friday September 16. The goal of Run@Work Day is to promote physical exercise as a means of fighting obesity by doing 30 minutes of running and/or walking before during or after work.
Prediction Run Picnic: After much discussion, the board decided to cancel the Prediction Run Picnic for 2011.
Holiday in Lights Run: The Williams YMCA was closed at the end of August so a new location is needed for the Holiday on Lights Run. It needs to have showers and a changing area. Dates to host are December 12 and December 13.
Holiday Party: The board decided to not have a Holiday Party for 2012 and combine it in with the Holiday in Lights Run.
Midsummer Trail Run Recap: 80 people ran the race and most people liked it. One change for next year might be to mark the miles on the trail.
Check Your Genes 5k – October 1: Todd has not heard back from Jennifer Panepinto regarding timing for this race. Will keep you posted.
Trick or Trail Run Oxford – October 8: Group contacted us about timing this race. Nothing definite yet.
Run Like Hell 5k: The CFF that puts on Run Like Hell would like us to form a team to raise money for cystic fibrosis for this race.
11/11/11 Race: Due to scheduling and logistic issues, there will be no 11-11-11 race.
RCGC Anniversary Race: Mt. Storm Park is looking to be a logistics nightmare on so many fronts so Todd is looking for a different location. Armleder Park is a possibility. Tentative date is November 13.
Turkey Burner 5 Mile: Possible low key race that could be hosted by the club on the weekend after Thanksgiving. Need a race director to get it moving and to find a location.
Winter Wonderland 5 Mile: January Race that needs a race director and a location.
Valentine Day Race: NKU has set the date of February 12, 2012. Need a race director to handle the club side of things.
Leap Day Race: Leap Day is next year so need to bring out the Leap Day Race which needs a race director.
Flying Pig Marathon : Tabled for next meeting.
Race Committees: The club is looking to form a race committee to plan the 2012 racing season. So far two people have shown interest.
Group Runs: Gina is looking to revive the club group runs. She is looking at starting one from the Tri-State Running Company in Edgewood on Thursdays. Also, she gave an update on the Speed Training Program from the Summer. Laura was absent so she could not give a report on the Tuesday group run.
Programs/Seminars: Nothing to report
Merchandising: Nothing to report
Miscellaneous: Chris let everyone know about the Hudy 14k on Saturday September 17. While most people were on vacation in early August, the State of Ohio sent the club notice that they must be registered with the State of Ohio or face the consequences. Todd took care of the paperwork and is waiting to hear back from the State of Ohio.
Next Board Meeting: Next board meeting is scheduled for October 10, 2011 at the 6:30 PM at the Courtyard Mariott in Florence KY.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.