Clifton Recreation Center, Cincinnati OH
July 1, 2010 7:00 PM
Present: Todd Hofacre, Laura Wagner, Ryan Woolley, Gina Meyers
Meeting came to order at 7:10 PM.
Meeting Minutes: Approved from June 3, 2010
Financial Report: Ryan reported a club balance of $8,821.22 with no outstanding checks. Todd went over expenses for the month of June, which was approved by the board. The club’s biggest expense in June was the Weight Watchers Walk-It 5k and postage. Todd also reviewed the PNL for the Memorial Day race and Weight Watchers walk. The club spent significantly less this year on shirts for the Memorial Day race, with one cash sponsor – Group Health Associates. Net revenue for this race was $1,524.90. For the Weight Watchers walk, the club netted $1,996.00, which may be allocated to scholarship recipients over the next two years. The club received a sponsorship of $1,000 from RRCA/Weight Watchers.
Membership: A renewal email reminder was sent out last week and an additional 10 people renewed for 2010. The club has approximately 135 members.
Newsletter: Articles are due July 12th for the August newsletter. Harvey Lewis will be our featured runner, and the newsletter will also include photos from the Memorial Day race and Weight Watchers Walk-It 5k event. Todd would like to have these printed by the first week of August.
Website: Todd is looking into getting the Facebook group converted to a page sometimes this summer. The group currently has 330 members, and Twitter has about 130 members. Todd mentioned the idea of having a You Tube link added to our club website. Newsletters from the past 30 years still need to be scanned and archived onto the website.
Social: Summer Picnic: To be held Saturday, July 24th from 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM at Swaim Park Lodge. Food for the grill and cold cuts will be available. Members are asked to bring either a side dish or dessert to share. The club will also provide drinks, condiments, and plasticware. The 2.5 mile prediction run will start around 1:15 PM.
Run@Work Day: Friday, September 17, 2010: This event will most likely be held at Mt. Airy Forest this year. The club may see if GoVibrant would like to participate and bring along more participants. Details will follow at next board meeting.
Races: Weight Watchers Walk –It 5k -recap: This fitness walk was held Sunday, June 6th at Armleder Park. The club had 133 participants signed up to walk, with approximately 125 participants in attendance. Todd reported that due to the rain on event day, registration was low and the walk started later than expected. Too few XXL shirts were ordered, and due to overnighting last minute items for the event, the club paid out more money than expected to cover the costs. Todd also went over the Post-Event Questionnaire, which he submitted along with a few photos. The club experienced some difficulty communicating with the RRCA, and several of the walkers complained that the event t-shirt was not the same as on the Weight Watchers website. Overall, the club reported that this event was a success and would like to participate again next year.
Summer Cross Country Series: Starting on July 8th and running through August 12th, the club will be holding a 3.1 mile race every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM at Loveland High School. Todd would like to get t-shirts made, and will follow up with Stacy Osborne, race director, to give approval on the design. Club members may show up to run or help with timing.
Midsummer Night Trail Run: This 5-mile run was pushed back two weeks to Tuesday, August 10th at Mt. Airy Forest at 7:00 PM. Paperwork was sent in to the Cincinnati Parks Board for approval so we can move forward with planning. The club will need to look at getting sponsors for this event, and approximately 50- 60 cotton shirts need to be ordered. Todd would like to try new race software, Run Score, for this event. More to follow.
Lady Distance Classic: This women’s only 10k and 5k walk/run event will be held Saturday, August 7th at 7:15 AM in Blue Ash, OH. Todd sent in a request about a week ago for a club booth and hasn’t heard back as of July 1st. Todd will follow up with this for the next board meeting.
Brian Rohne 5k Race: To be held Saturday, August 14th at Albright Health Center, NKU at 7:00 PM. The club will need a few people to work the finish line and help with timing the event.
Panther Prowl 5k: To be held Saturday, August 21st at 8:30 AM at Little Miami High School in Morrow, OH. All proceeds benefit the Little Miami Cross Country Team. The club will need a few people to work the finish line and help with timing the event.
Marine Corps Race: This 5-mile race will be held Sunday, August 22nd at Lunken Airport Playfield. More details to follow at next board meeting.
Wayne Twp. 5k: To be held Saturday, September 18th at Stone Lick State Park. Todd will be attending a meeting next week to get details on race support from the club. Proceeds will benefit Shriner’s Hospital. More details to follow.
The 10/10/10 run: To be held at 10:00 AM, most likely at Lunken Airport - Todd will check availability. The club may be able to secure at least one cash sponsor. A race committee is needed to head up this event. More details to follow.
Race Committees: According to 2010 membership registration, 8 people indicated interest in serving on a race committee. Todd will follow up with them, and set up a meeting to get their ideas and move forward with planning these events.
Group Runs: The Hyde Park group will be switching from Wednesdays to Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. Todd mentioned the possibility of moving the Sunday group runs to different locations from week to week. The Sunday, July 18th run will be a “Twilight” theme, starting at 7:00 PM at the Cintas Center on XU’s campus.
Programs/Seminars: Nothing new to report.
Merchandising: Todd would like to follow up with Alicia on getting club hats ordered.
Miscellaneous: Nothing new to report.
Next Board Meeting: To be held Monday, August 2nd, 2010 at 7:00 PM at Mt. Storm Park.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Submitted By
Gina Meyers, Secretary