June 30, 2008
Mount Storm Park, 660 Lafayette Avenue
Members Present: Todd Hofacre, Ed Hunter, Ryan Woolley
Membership: One new member joined in June.
Newsletter: Articles are due by July 11. The featured runner will be Bob Platt. A reminder about the Club picnic will be included. Todd estimates the total cost for the next issue will be around $300 (including design and postage) if it is done in the print format. He expects it will be mailed to the membership in late July or early August.
Scholarship: Mike Smith has notified our student winners, Kyle Schenkel (Elder High School; going to Xavier University) and Blair Wissinger (Lawrenceberg High School; going to University of Evansville). Each will receive a $500.00 scholarship from the Kicks-for-Kids Foundation. RCGC will pay the $150.00 overhead fee to the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation, which selected the recipients.
Member Appreciation Happy Hour: Will be deferred to a later date.
Summer Picnic: Will be held August 24, 2008, at Swaim Park in Montgomery (same location as last year) starting at 3:00 p.m. Food assignments will be determined at the next Board Meeting.
Brian Rohne Race (5K, NKU, Friday, August 15, 2008, 7:00 p.m. start): We will need 3 volunteers to time the race.
Race Committee: Has not yet met but may meet sometime between early August and mid-September.
Race Equipment: Our new timer will be delivered soon. Stacy will send out our other timers to be re-conditioned (includes cleaning, new batteries, new ink, etc.). We may purchase a “Run Score” program to record runners’ finishes (thereby replacing finish cards).
Other Races:
(1) Crazy 8 Run (8K, Mt. Airy Forest trail run, 8/8/08, 7 p.m. start): Todd will fax a proposed course to the Cincinnati Park Board this week. About 5 volunteers will be needed.
(2) Out in the Boonies Run (5K, Idlewild Park, Boone County): Originally scheduled for July 26, this race will be moved back to September. Todd needs to discuss a date and course with Boone County representatives. We may need about 15 volunteers.
(3) Bearcat Run (5K, UC campus, 11/9/08, 10 a.m. start): The UC Running Club has proposed a course on the campus that will not involve crossing major streets. The course needs to be measured and verified. As proposed, it would start near the UC track/soccer field and end at Nippert Stadium. Todd’s projected budget (based on 100 runners) is break even. Need at least one cash sponsor to make some money. Proposed entry fees: $15 for general public, $12 for UC students and Club members.
(4) Lady’s Distance Classic (5K and 10 K races, Blue Ash area, 8/3/08): Todd will check with Monica for details. The Club will need to provide 10-15 volunteers.
(5) Parkersburg Half Marathon (8/16/08): The Club has approved $150 to send two local runners (1 male, 1 female) to this race, which is an RRCA Championship race.
Training Program Update: Nothing new. Todd will ask Shalini McGarvey if she will manage this program, to train new or less experienced runners for the Thanksgiving Day Race.
Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 7:00 p.m., at Mt. Airy Forest, at “Oval” (left from park entrance).
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Hunter (substituting for Monica)