Present: Todd Hofacre, Ryan Woolley, Gina Meyers, Alicia Zimov, Joel Kubala
Meeting came to order at 7:00 PM.
Go Vibrant: Joel Kubala presented on Go Vibrant Cincinnati, a non-for-profit partnership of local companies who are organizing wellness initiatives, and to provide education and promote healthy living through local year-round events. Go Vibrant’s kickoff ceremony will be held on Fountain Square on Monday, June 21st from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. The opening ceremonies will celebrate healthy organizations, events, and foods that Cincinnati has to offer. Todd plans to attend this kickoff ceremony to represent RCGC.
Introductions: Alicia Zimov introduced herself and agreed to serve as Merchandiser for the Club.
Meeting Minutes: Approved from May 13, 2010
Financial Report: Ryan reported a club balance of $7,543.89, including money received from the Memorial Day race, with one outstanding check #1904 paid to St. Henry School. A withdrawal in the amount of $353.00 has not yet been accounted for. Todd will look into this deduction. Todd went over expenses for the month of May, which was then approved by the board. The club’s biggest expense in May was the Memorial Day race shirts. PNL to be reported at next board meeting.
Membership: The club has approximately 122 members. Todd will send a notice to outstanding members in the next week.
Newsletter: Articles are due July 10th for the August newsletter. The club would like to have Harvey Lewis as the featured runner, along with photos from the Memorial Day race and Weight Watchers Walk-It 5k event included in the newsletter.
Website: Todd is looking into getting the Facebook group converted to a page sometime in June or July. The club’s online group currently has 315 members. Todd mentioned that he still needs to resolve a few issues with Google and appeal the disabled status. Newsletters from the past 30 years still need to be archived onto the club’s website.
Social:Race Committees: Nothing new to report. The club will look into this more at the end of the summer.
Group Runs: Todd reported that attendance at the group runs has been much lighter since the Flying Pig has ended. A substitute for the Wednesday, June 23rd run is needed since Todd will be unable to make it. Todd also mentioned the possibility of moving the Saturday runs to different locations from week to week.
Programs/Seminars: Nothing new to report.
Merchandising: Alicia presented several of her ideas, and the board discussed a variety of options for shirts, a cap, and bag for this year. Alicia mentioned she will be in contact with several new and different vendors for these items. She will look into getting a new vendor for shirts, due to problems with Ace Printware.
Miscellaneous: Todd would like the club to set up a booth at the 2010 Cincy Apparel T-shirt Fest on Friday, July 16th from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM to sell old club shirts. Volunteers are needed to work this event, which will be held on Fountain Square. Applications are due June 18th, and selection of vendors is made June 21st-25th. Payment and signed agreements are due by July 2nd. Cost per booth is $50.00.
Next Board Meeting: To be held Thursday, July 1st at 7:00 PM at the Clifton Rec. Center.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.