May 22, 2005
(at Bob Roncker's Running Spot)
Members Present: Tom Glasscock, Todd Hofacre, Jeff Hummel, Ed Hunter, Nick Kleiner, Kate Rich, Carl Rich, Jeff Sprague
Membership: Dues are now past due. Todd will send postcards this week to members who have not renewed. He also will send out a welcome letter, calendar, and a 2005 membership card to new members who have sent in their initial dues. He has or will send 2005 membership cards to renewing members.
Newsletter: Many thanks to Jeff Hummel for having May 2005 issue of the newsletter printed in a timely fashion to include an entry form for the Memorial Day Run. The Board has decided temporarily (or until a better option can be found) to suspend mailing a color printed version of the newsletter to members. Instead, members will have the option of receiving the newsletter by email or printing it from the Club's new and improved website ( The Club will print and mail newsletters to the relatively few longstanding members who do not have email or a computer. Emailing the newsletter to most members will save the Club considerable dollars in mailing expenses.
The Board decided that we should try to get out the next issue of the newsletter by around August 1. This means getting articles to Amy no later than July 10 (the date of the next Board meeting). The next issue will feature information on the Brian Rohne Memorial 5K run and Walk (August 12) and the club Picnic (August 28). Ed noted that a neighbor of his (and Club member) Marty Fritzhand plans to run the "Grand Slam," a group of four 100-mile races over a period of ten weeks this summer. Ed agreed to interview Marty about the races and prepare an article for the next newsletter. Ed also will prepare a follow-up article on how Marty did in the group of four races, assuming they will be completed sometime after July 10.
Social Events:
Next Club Happy Hour: Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 6:30 p.m., at the New Balance Glendale store. The group will adjourn to the nearby Glendale Pub for refreshments afterward.
End of Summer Picnic: A shelter at Swaim Park in Montgomery (last year's picnic location) has been reserved for the picnic for Sunday, August 28, 2005. Swaim Park is located on Cooper Road west of Montgomery Road. Kate and Carl will pick up food (hamburgers, chicken patties, hot dogs, buns, condiments, and beverages [beer, soft drinks, Gatorade, water]) They also will organize some games. The 2.5-mile prediction run will use the same course we used last year. The Board will meet at 1 p.m., preceding the picnic. The picnic will start at 3 p.m., the prediction run at around 3:30 p.m., and dinner at around 4:30-5:30 p.m., followed by games. Members whose last names begin with A-K will bring desserts; those whose last names begin with L-Z will bring sides or salads (reversed from last year).
Upcoming Races:
(1) Memorial Day Race (5 miles, Monday, May 30, 9 a.m., Lunken Airport) Mike Moyer will be out of town at the time of the race. Mike Smith has agreed to help Nick in coordinating the race. Kate and Carl will purchase food (hamburgers, chicken patties, hot dogs, bananas, beer, and soft drinks) for about 250 people (the number we had last year). Nick will bring Gatorade left over from the Mini-marathon hospitality suite. Tim and Julia will bring chips and pretzels left over from the Mini-marathon. Tom will bring and set up the finishing chutes. Jeff will order 200 t-shirts (the number we ordered last year). Nick has ordered awards (pint glasses with the race logo to be applied). Kate, Carl, Jeff, and Ed will handle registration. Ed will take digital photos. Jeff Sprague will manage traffic control near the main Lunken terminal. Volunteers should be at the shelter (same one reserved last year) by 7:30 a.m. to help set up.
The race start will be moved to the beginning of the paved bike trail off the parking lot near the golf pro shop. (This is where the Willie's 5K in November starts.) This will avoid runners interfering with traffic, as happened at the Wilmer Avenue start last year. The finish will be near the baseball fields at the Wilmer Avenue entrance to Lunken. The course will be run in the reverse direction of last year's race.
(2) Racing to Read 5K (Saturday, June 4, 9 a.m., Kenton County Public Library, Covington, KY) - We will manage the finish line. Several volunteers will be needed to help.
(3) Brian Rohne Memorial 5K Run & Walk (5K, Friday, August 12, 7:00 p.m., NKU) The race starts and finishes at the Albright Health Center. The Club will provide several volunteers.
Next Board Meeting: Sunday, July 10, 1:00 p.m., at Bob Roncker's Running Spot.
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Hunter, Secretary