May 13, 2010
Clifton Recreation Center, Cincinnati OH
Present: Todd Hofacre, Ryan Woolley, Gina Meyers, Paul Staudigel, Tom Glasscock
Meeting came to order at 7:12 PM.
Meeting Minutes: Approved from April 8, 2010 and Annual Meeting, April 12, 2010
Financial Report: Todd went over expenses for April 2010, which was approved by the board. 990N is ready to be sent in. Ryan reported no outstanding checks, with a club balance of $5,401.00.
Membership: Todd reported the club has 113 renewed members. PayPal has been restored to full account access, which will allow money to be deposited into the club account.
Newsletter: Spring newsletter is ready to be sent out, and articles for the next newsletter are due July 10th.
Website: Facebook page currently has 310 members. Nothing else new to report.
Board Goals & Expectations: Todd sent out an email listing the Club’s “To Do” list for the upcoming year. A big item for this year is to purchase Race Management software to upgrade how the Club will carry out races, to make it a more formal process. In addition, the Club would like to upgrade the equipment rental procedure. Another key change for the Club would be to add a few more races to the calendar (8-10 per year), which would include reviving the Brewery Run and the Winter Wonderland 5k, and adding a few low key run events.
- National Running Day - Wed. June 2, 2010: Group run will be moved to Mt. Airy Forest instead of Hyde Park Square. Club needs to follow up with UC Running Club to see if they have interest in joining us. Todd plans to bring food and drinks. More to follow at next board meeting.
- National Trails Day - Sat. June 5, 2010: Club will move Saturday group run to either Ft. Thomas or French Park. More specific planning to follow at next meeting.
- Summer Picnic: Board discussed possibility of canceling for this year, unless someone is willing to plan this event. We may try to hold it either the end of July or early August, with a time change of 12- or 1pm to 4pm. Club would like to keep the prediction run. Usual attendance is 10-15 people.
Race Reports:
- Flying Pig Expo - recap: Club picked up several renewal members, and sold approximately 9-10 shirts at the event. Todd reported the Club may not be charged for the shirts due to problems with the order. The Board voted that we should have the booth again for 2011. Changes for next year include taking photos to put on the website, bringing an extra table, creating a postcard for group run information, and improving the appearance of the booth.
- Flying Pig Waterstop – recap: Todd reported that the waterstop was a success again this year, but a few changes are needed for 2011, including different music, more use of the PA system, and adding something extra for the volunteers, such as a cap or shirt, to promote and advertise the club. Also for 2011: extra garbage cans are needed, the Club would like to have a theme for the waterstop, and more pictures need to be taken to promote the Club. There were a few issues the Club would like to address with the organizers of the Pig.
- Memorial Day Race- update: The event will be held at Armleder Park. Payment has been sent in to Cincinnati Recreation Commission (CRC), and Hamilton County park district cleared us for use of the loop. T-shirts are in the process of being ordered. They will be red and white tech shirts, with logos on both sides. Pint glasses were ordered for awards, and door prizes include gift cards and certificates. Currently, there are 30 people preregistered. We expect to get about 70 preregistered for the race, with a total of 150 runners at the event. Todd is working on getting the food and drinks, including donated items. Volunteers are need to help pick up water, awards, and shirts; and more volunteers are needed (about 10-15) to man the registration, course, waterstop, and finish/post-race. Todd also reviewed sponsorship and a race checklist.
- Weight Watchers Walk-It 5k: This is a non-competitive fitness walk to be held June 6, 2010 at Armleder Park. Payment was sent into CRC on May 11th, and Hamilton County approved us for use of the course. The Club is in the process of ordering shirts, with a minimum of 144 needed ($4.00-5.00 per shirt). RRCA has already given us the design of the t-shirts. No awards are needed, but Laura Wagner is working on getting door prizes.
Currently, there are 4 people preregistered. We are hoping to get at least 60-70 people total. The Club will provide food and drinks, and hopes to get more donations from local businesses. Roncker’s has donated 100 coupons, and we may have one cash sponsor – RRCA and Weight Watchers - $1,000.00 to help cover costs, as long as certain requirements are met. About 10 volunteers are needed, including someone who is willing to take pictures of the event. Todd briefly reviewed the race checklist.
- Midsummer Night Trail Run - update: To be held Tues. July 27th at Mt. Airy Forest at 7:00 PM. Paul will be heading this up this year. We need to contact the Cincinnati Park Board to get the paperwork and approval. More to follow at next meeting.
- Lady Distance Classic: This event is usually held the first Saturday in August. The board voted to set up a booth again this year (approximately $75.00). More to follow at next meeting.
- The 10/10/10 Run: Race committee is needed for this event, with possibility of holding the race at Winton Woods, Loveland, or Lunken Airport. More to follow.
Race Committees: Nothing new to report.
Group Runs: The group run will be moved to Armleder Park Sat. May 15th and following Saturdays to prepare for the Memorial Day Race and Weight Watchers fitness walk. Todd mentioned the possibility of moving the weekend group runs to different locations from week to week.
Training Programs/Seminars: Nothing new to report.
Merchandising: Club may need to look at adding new/different items for this year. Further discussion tabled for next board meeting.
Miscellaneous: Nothing new to report.
Next Board Meeting: To be held Thursday, June 3rd at 7:00 PM at the Clifton Rec. Center.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM.
Submitted By
Gina Meyers, Secretary