April 4, 2012 6:30 PM
Personal Impact Fitness, Florence KY
Present: Gina Meyers, Ryan Woolley, Todd Hofacre, Guest: Ryan Smith
Absent: Laura Wagner , Tom Glasscock, Dave Reid
Meeting came to order at 6:45 PM.
Meeting Minutes: March Meeting Minutes were approved.
Financial Report: Ryan Woolley reported that we have about 17,900 in the bank. No outstanding checks. Todd expenses for March were approved.
Membership: Todd reported that there were 94 members. Todd mailed the membership cards the past week in March and 1 came back. 2 new members joined in March for 2012. Todd will send out a renewal email to those who have not renewed.
Newsletter: Articles are due for the newsletter by April 16 so the club can get them ready for the Flying Pig Expo. Todd still needs a President letter. Featured runner will be TJ Lentz.
Website: Marty Hovey was not present. Marty made changes to the website that allows easier access to the club’s twitter account, club’s Facebook group and the blog.
Annual Meeting - Annual Meeting: will be held April 9, 2011. Gina is having a caterer handle the food. Todd will bring the desserts like cookies or something. Gina will be there between 5:00 and 5:30 pm to set up the room. A slate of candidates and election forms still need to be done.
.Family Walk / Hike April 28: Location will be Mount Airy Forest for the first one
Heart Mini Marathon Suite – Club did not get rooms that had a view of Fountain Square for the finish. There was a problem getting access to the second room. Like years past, we ordered too much food. There were 25 people on the Runners’ Club Team and 55 club members did events in the Heart Mini. Not all the people got the club logo on the backs of their shirts.
April Fools’ Day Race Recap: 7 people showed up for the race. The biggest problem with the low attendance was promotion and 7 other races that weekend. April Fools for next year falls on a Monday so it may get more people if the club decides to do it next year.
Flying Pig Expo & Waterstop 5/5/12 – 5/6/12: Todd contacted Saint Henry for procuring volunteers. Todd needs to find a volunteer to pick up the supplies. The board decided to get a booth at the expo and sent in the first deposit. Second half needs to be sent later this month.
National Run A Mile Days – follow the program from April 16 to June 6 culminating with a run at National Running Day on Wednesday June 6. Todd will send a blurb in the next e-newsletter.
Memorial Day Race 36 – Club has approval to use the loop and reserved the shelter at Otto Armleder Park. Fliers are done and currently printing at Waltz Business Solutions.
Race Committees: Nothing to report. Next meeting is April 23, 2012 at Pot Belly in Rookwood Commons.
Group Runs: Ryan Smith will be starting a Sunday Group Run in Northern Kentucky at 9:00 AM beginning April 15.
Training Program: The club may do a training program. Turfway Park is mentioned as a possibility.
Merchandising: The board discussed the merchandise item for 2012. One possibility is a gearbag with the club logo on it. Also, the board discussed the possibility of an online store.
Miscellaneous: Nothing else to add
Next Board Meeting: Next board meeting will be determined after the Annual Meeting on April 9 with the new board.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.
Todd Hofacre, Secretary,
Runners’ Club of Greater Cincinnati