April 3, 2008
(at Clifton Recreation Center, 320 McAlpin Avenue)
Members Present: Todd Hofacre, Ed Hunter, Lonnie Smith, Peter Wayte
Membership: As of April 3, there were 110 paid members. We are looking for a Membership chairperson.
Newsletter: Articles are due April 15 for the next issue. This issue will include a copy of the recently passed bylaws, membership roster, entry form for the Memorial Day Race, 2007 financial report and a request for volunteers for the Flying Pig waterstop. Ryan Woolley, winner of the Leap Day Race on February 29, will be the featured runner. The next newsletter will printed and mailed to the current membership. Cost may be around $350.
Website: We need a person to review the website for content and help our webmaster keep it up-to-date.
2008 Flying Pig Marathon Waterstop (Mile 22): As of April 3, 2008, we have 6 volunteers signed up to help. We need at least 30, including some from the Club. Todd will stop by St. Henry's High School (Elsmere, KY), which provided volunteers last year, and request that willing students apply on-line. A volunteer is needed to pick up the waterstop supplies at City Dash on May 3, the day before the marathon.
RRCA Convention Update: We have a sufficient number of volunteers for Thursday (May 1) but need 1 or 2 more for both morning and afternoon shifts on Friday, and 2 or 3 more for Saturday afternoon. There will be a meeting on April 14, 6:30 p.m., at the Millenium Hotel to go over volunteers' duties for the Convention.
Scholarship Status: No new information. The Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation expects to have selected a deserving male and a deserving female candidate by around May 8 or 9, possibly earlier. CSF will then notify Ed of the students' names, and Ed will inform Mike Smith for the Kicks for Kids Foundation. K4K will then be able to invite the students and their families to attend a special presentation after the River Run 5K, May 24. Mike Smith or Ted Kluemper will make the presentations on behalf of K4K. K4K will pay for the scholarships (two at $500.00 each), and RCGC will pay the processing fee ($150.00).
Heart Mini-marathon Recap (Sunday, March 30, 2008): Todd estimated that 20 to 30 Club members used the two hospitality rooms at the Westin. Those who used the rooms appreciated the convenience. Todd, however, acknowledged that we had too much food. Lonnie agreed to make hospitality room arrangements next year and will try to reserve a suite instead of two separate rooms.
Charity 20 Mile Training Run: Team-in-Training has invited members of RCGC to participate with T-in-T in a long training run on Saturday, April 12, starting and ending at Ault Park.
Annual Meeting April 14 (Millenium Hotel): The purpose of this meeting will be to elect new Club officers for the coming year and go over the RRCA convention. Todd has been nominated to continue as President. Lonnie, Peter, and Ed are willing to serve as at-large Board members. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the RRCA volunteer orientation meeting.
Memorial Day Race 5K, (Armleder Park near Lunken Airport, Monday, May 26, 2008, 8:30 a.m.): We have received permission from Hamilton County Park District for use of the loop course. We reserved the park shelter from the Cincinnati Recreation Commission. We still need to obtain sponsors. For the t-shirt, we may put "Memorial Day Race" logo on the back and sponsors' names on the sleeves.
Club Race in July: Efforts to organize such an event have been tabled for now. Possible locations include Miami Meadows Park (northeast Cincinnati), Idlewild Park (Boone County), or Landon-Deerfield Township Park.
Lady's Distance Classic (5K and 10K races, women only, August 2 or 3, 2008): The races will be sponsored by Fleet Feet Sports and will be held in Blue Ash. It is an RRCA event so the Club needs to figure out a way to help for 2008.
Training Program: Todd suggested that the Club start a training program in which we would handle all details. He will ask Shalini McGarvey if she would be willing to coordinate such a program for the Lady's Distance Classic races. We would try to keep the group small (20-30 people), charge a nominal fee, and ask participants to volunteer at a Club event.
1). The Board agreed that we would be willing to pay the entry fee for T.J. Lentz to enter the RRCA 5K Championship Race on Saturday, May 3, 2008. Peter will inform T.J. about this and ask him if he would like to participate.
2). Todd will ask Jody Collier if she would be willing to serve on the Board again.
3). Ed will ask at the UC Recreation Center for a contact for the UC student running club. We will ask if some of the members of this group would be willing to help at the RRCA Convention from 5 p.m. until midnight on Saturday, May 3, for their silent auction, live auction, banquet, and awards presentations. Volunteers would receive Red's tickets, a t-shirt, and a mug.
4). Ed will check with Scott Wilhoit, Assistant Director, Facilities and Operations at UC, to see what kind of arrangement could be worked out for Club members to be able to use UC's Armory Fieldhouse indoor track one evening per week during the winter months. Mr. Wilhoit had told Ed previously that a fee would be imposed to use the indoor track, and the possibility would exist that the Club could be "bumped" from the track at the last minute due to weather or practice needs of a UC athletic group.
5). Membership cards and materials were stuffed for mailing to members this weekend.
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 7:00 p.m., at the Clifton Recreation Center, Clifton and McAlpin Avenues, Clifton.
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Hunter, Secretary