March 2, 2008
(at Molly Malone's, 6111 Montgomery Road)
Members Present: Tom Glasscock, Julia Glasscock, Todd Hofacre, Jeff Hummel, Ed Hunter
Membership: As of March 1, there are 70 paid members. We are looking for a Membership chairperson.
Newsletter: For the next newsletter, articles are due April 15. A copy of the passed bylaws will be included. Ryan Wooley, winner of the Leap Day Race on February 29, will be the featured runner.
Website: Mike Boylan, one of the founders of the original Clifton Track Club, recently complimented us on the website. A copy of the revised bylaws will be posted on the website soon. We need a content manager to make sure everything on the website is up-to-date.
2008 Flying Pig Marathon Waterstop (Mile 22): A meeting to discuss details about the marathon fluid stations will be held March 5. Peter Wayte will be unable to attend the meeting due to an out-of-town work commitment. The course for the 2008 marathon will differ slightly from last year's course (details not yet available).
RRCA Convention Update: Todd and Lonnie Smith met recently with Stephanie Mileham, Event Manager for the Flying Pig Marathon, about volunteer staffing. The RRCA Convention will need about 10 volunteers Thursday afternoon (May 1), and 15 volunteers each on Friday and Saturday. Our responsibilities will be registration for the Convention and convention support. Our volunteers need to be identified by March 31. There will be a meeting on April 14, 6:30 p.m., at the Millenium Hotel to go over volunteers' duties for the Convention. The Club needs to consider a small gift for the volunteers. Todd will ask if the Pig can give "dri-fit" t-shirts to the Convention volunteers. Todd also will ask the Flying Pig if they could give the Club a complimentary Convention registration to allow at least one of our Board members (perhaps Lonnie Smith) to attend at no charge.
Scholarship Status: Ed spoke with Ned Hertzenberg (Director of the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation) this week. Ned told him that the CSF Board approved our proposed scholarship about 3 weeks ago. CSF expects to have selected a deserving male and a deserving female candidate by around May 8 or 9, possibly earlier. CSF will then notify Ed of the students' names, and Ed will inform Mike Smith for the Kicks for Kids Foundation. K4K will then be able to invite the students and their families to attend a special presentation after the River Run 5K, May 24. Mike Smith or Ted Kluemper will make the presentations on behalf of K4K. K4K will pay for the scholarships (two at $500.00 each), and RCGC will pay the processing fee ($150.00).
Membership Meeting, upstairs of O'Bryons, March 10, 7:00 p.m.: The purpose of this meeting will be for interested members to discuss any issues or concerns prior to approval of the revised bylaws. The bylaws were mailed to the Membership in February. At least 10 members need to be present for the bylaws to be passed. The Club will provide appetizers and beverages.
Heart Mini-marathon (Sunday, March 30, 2008): Todd has submitted the forms necessary to reserve a booth at the pre-race Expo. At this time we don't know if we will be given a free booth (approximately 10 of our members volunteered for bag stuffing on February 16) or whether we will need to pay for our booth. A couple of members will be needed to man the booth for 4 hours. Jeff has reserved two hospitality rooms at the Westin for before and after the race on March 30. Some food left over from the Leap Day Race (chips and cookies) will be used at the hospitality rooms. The Club also will provide a meat tray, bread, beer, and bottled water.
Leap Day Race Recap (February 29, 2008, 6:30 p.m.): We made an estimated $100.00 on the race. Numerous runners told Tom that they enjoyed it. Todd suggested, that future Club races be done in local parks due to logistics and costs. Three sponsors gave a total of $950.00 in cash. Results should be posted on our website by around March 4. The Club will donate a box of 1500 cups to the Over-the-Rhine Chamber of Commerce for their June race in appreciation of their support of the Leap Day race.
Memorial Day Race 5K, Armleder Park (near Lunken Airport), Monday, May 26, 2008, 8:30 a.m.: Todd has submitted a permit to the Hamilton County Park District for use of the loop and reserved the park shelter from the Cincinnati Recreation Commission. Cost will be $150.00 to use the shelter. The race distance will be 5K, not 5 miles. We have no sponsors yet. We hope to have fliers ready to distribute at the Heart Mini-marathon Expo. Todd will send out a mailer to local high schools and colleges.
Miscellaneous: Possible use of old indoor track at UC: Ed agreed to ask at the new UC Recreation Center if the Club could use the old indoor track at the Armory Field House, as the old Clifton Track Club used to do years ago. Our request would be for Club members to be able to use the track one night a week during the school year (September through June), e.g., perhaps Tuesdays from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Annual Club Meeting: Todd proposed that we try to hold an annual Club meeting at the Millennium Hotel on April 14. The purpose of the meeting would be for the election of new officers.
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, April 3, 2008, 6:30 p.m., at the Clifton Recreation Center, Clifton and McAlpin Avenues, Clifton.
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Hunter, Secretary