February 6, 2005
(at Bob Roncker's Running Spot)
Members Present: Jody Collier, Todd Hofacre, Jeff Hummel, Ed Hunter, Nick Kleiner, Mike Moyer, Peter Wayte
Membership: Dues are due in March. Todd will send email reminders in May to members who have not paid.
Newsletter: Articles are due to Amy this week for the issue expected to be mailed on February 28. Articles expected to appear in this issue cover: the Holiday Lights Run (December 7) with photos; bag stuffing dates for the Heart Mini-marathon (March 7, 14, and 21); the Frostbite Five (January 1, 2005) with photos; the Holiday Party (January 14) with photos; information on rooms at the Westin reserved for the Heart Mini-marathon (Tom will provide information); call for volunteers for the water stop for the Flying Pig Marathon #7; and if possible, results and photos from the Valentines 2 Mile Run (to be held February 13).
Valentine's 2 Mile Run (Sunday, February 13, 2005, 12 noon, NKU): Jody will organize games and contests (kissing, eating, and costume contests have been used in the past). Cathy will make a large red heart out of heavy cardboard with white lettering to use with photos of winning couples. Mike will ask Bob Roncker for some Running Spot gift certificates for individual awards. Tom and Julia have gotten picture frames for photos for age-category winning couples. Jeff and Ed will take digital photos of couples before the race and of the top men and women finishers irrespective of whether they were part of a couple or not. Mike will contact a local Papa Johns to see if they will donate pizza. As a back-up, Mike will work something out with Kroger, LaRosa's, or Skyline. Jody will get pins for affixing race numbers.
Social Events:
Next Club Happy Hour: Tuesday, March 15, 2005, 6:30 p.m., at Bob Roncker's Running Spot. Runners will adjourn to O'Bryons for refreshments afterward. It was requested that Tom make arrangements for beer / food with the bar as he did previously for the Holiday Lights Run.
Upcoming Races:
(1) Run to Dubliner (5K, Sunday, March 6, 1:00 p.m.) The race beings and ends at The Dubliner in Pleasant Ridge.
(2) Heart Mini-marathon (Sunday, April 3; 5K at 9 a.m.; 15K at 10 a.m., downtown Cincinnati): Tom and Julia have reserved two adjoining rooms on the sixth floor of the Westin overlooking Fountain Square. They also will try to reserve a third room in close proximity. They will request removal of the beds to allow more space. Mike will call the American Heart Association about our booth at the Expo. This has been our return in the past for Club members helping with bag stuffing. Bag stuffing will be March 7, 14, and 21. Volunteers should come at 6:00 p.m. or earlier to the American Heart Association office on Vernon Place, as before. Expect to stay until 9 if possible.
(3) Flying Pig Marathon Water Stop (Sunday, May 1, 7:00 a.m. to noon) Peter Wayte will coordinate this effort as he did last year. A meeting to provide key information to water stop coordinators will be held March 7 at 7 p.m. at the Holiday Office Park Building, 644 Linn Street. Three people from the Club should attend this meeting. Also three volunteers from the Club will be needed to work at a water stop for the Heart Mini-marathon to gain experience in handing out cups of water to runners. Peter requested that a Board member be available as a back-up on the day of the marathon in case he needs to be out of town. The Club water stop (likely mile 22 as last year) will have a "Goofy" theme. Volunteers should look goofy, e.g., wear a goofy hat, wig, t-shirt, etc. Jody said she would ask Cathy to arrange for food for the volunteers. Nick agreed to set up the tent and provide music.
(4) Memorial Day Race (5 miles, Monday, May 30, 9 a.m.) Mike Moyer will ask Mike Smith and Jeff Sprague to assist Nick in coordinating Club effort for this race. Mike Moyer, himself, likely will be out of town at the time of the race, and Nick will just be returning from his honeymoon.
Other Business:
(1) It was suggested that the Club prepare a calendar of activities for 2005 as soon as possible and distribute it to members. The calendar would include dates for the Holiday Party and summer picnic as well as reminders about the Valentines Race, Heart Mini-marathon, and Memorial Day Race. Next week Jody will try to reserve the Ft. Thomas Community Center for next year's Holiday Party (January 2006).
(2) Jody announced that she will be stepping down as a social chairperson and will become the volunteer coordinator. She has arranged for Club members Carl and Kate Rich to replace her as social chairman beginning in March.
(3) Mike announced that Club member Marty Hovey has agreed to help with managing the Club's website. Marty has had experience in designing and revising other websites. Beth Hilton will continue her efforts in updating the website with photos and information of interest.
(4) It was suggested that the May Board Meeting be held the last week of April in order to be held before the Flying Pig Marathon.
Next Board Meeting: Sunday, March 6, 11:30 a.m., at The Dubliner in Pleasant Ridge before the race. Please note the change in time and location for this meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Hunter, Secretary