Present: Todd Hofacre, Ryan Woolley, Laura Wagner
Meeting came to order at 6:45 PM.
Financial Report: Approved the budget for 2010. Todd’s expenses for December reviewed and approved. Largest expense was Holiday in Lights Run.
Membership: Todd reported the club has 153 members. Discussed increasing membership dues in 2010.
Newsletter: Discussed candidates for feature runner for next issue. Currently not enough content present to put together a winter newsletter.
Website: Todd paid bill for website hosting. Todd gave reports on the blog, twitter, and facebook.
2010 Goals: Discussed what the club would like to do for 2010 like possible races, social runs, other ideas etc.
Holiday in Lights Run : Low turnout for the run due to the rain but not the afterparty. For 2010, consider charging people who did participate in the run a fee to the party if they are not club members.
Holiday Party: Low turnout for the party due to the Bengals playoff game on the same day.
Race Reports:
Valentine’s Day Race: Reviewed budget for race. 14 currently signed up. Club will handle finish line and timing and oversee registration and handle packet pick-up.
Sprint for Special Olympics – March 7: Club most likely will handle timing. Need 5 people to help.
Heart Mini-Marathon – March 28: Todd set up team for Heart Mini Marathon. Club needs 20 people to sign up for team to get club logo on t-shirt. Todd will look into getting booth for Heart Mini Expo.
Circle Tail 5k: Contacted us to time their race. More details provided for next meeting.
Flying Pig Marathon – May 2: Todd attended Kickoff Meeting for the Flying Pig Marathon and shared details with the board.
Memorial Day Race: Nothing to report. Time to start planning for the race for 2010. Location will be Armleder Park like last year. Todd will get a budget for next meeting and handle approvals.
Group Runs: Todd is moving the Sunday Group to Saturday and to Tower Park for Ft. Thomas.
Training Program: Meets at the Armory in Fort Thomas. Only 1 person signed up. Trying to get more people to attend.
Programs/Seminars: Laura will ask Lisa Coors if she would be willing to do a seminar for the club. Locations need to be decided. Todd would like to have 1 seminar per quarter.
Next Board Meeting: February 4, 2010 at 6:30 PM at Clifton Recreation Center.
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Ryan Woolley, Treasurer